manhood training pledge campaign
We would like to invite you to participate in our
"Manhood Training Africa Crossover 2023 Pledge Campaign"
Your contribution will go a long way towards achieving our goal of sending
this group of young men to Africa! More importantly your investment will support the ongoing development of the young men we currently are
supporting and countless others in the future.
To participate, please read more about our candidates and fill out the form below.
Darius Barr
Hi, I am Darius D. Barr, I was born in 2008, in Clinton MD. I am the only child of my two parents. I am student athlete who excels in the sport of basketball, football, track, as well as occasional golf. I have won multiple championships across the DMV(D.C., Maryland, and Virginia) on my past and current basketball team. I currently live in PG county and attend CMIT South Middle, with an average GPA of 3.25. I one day inspired to take my talents to the WSAC league, for my high school career. One of my biggest hobbies is playing video games with my friends and traveling with my family on trips and teammates during competition season. My role model is Kobe Bryant because of how much he pushed himself to become great off the court and most definitely on the court. I dream to become great just like him. I have a strong faith in GOD, my favorite Book in the BIBLE is Psalm 3, my morning prayer; place your trust in GOD.
Hi, I am Andre Johnson. I am currently a Sophomore at McKinley Technology High School in NE Washington, D.C. My dream, when I grow up, is to become a professional athlete. I currently play Defensive Back, Wide Reciever, and Quarterback for my school football team. I work hard, get good grades, and train myself to get better day by day with the ultimate goal of getting a football scholarship to attend THE Ohio State University on my way to a career in the NFL. I also play Basketball, Baseball, and love playing the drums and my guitar.
Church has been a big part of my upbringing due to my parental support. The death of my grandfather had a major impact on the lives of me and my family. He was the glue and the only positive male role model I had to guide me into manhood.
the candidates
william "tyson" femister​
William “Tyson” Femister is a bassist at Duke Ellington School of the Arts. His goal is to walk the path to creative freedom and the mastery of music in order to develop a world that introduces both to those who decide to listen. Using his electric bass to get into Duke Ellington, he found multiple ways to express himself just by being around others expressing their creativity. One form of expression is the way people communicate who they are and what they believe through clothing. This gave Tyson an even greater love for fashion. Further expanding his horizon and goals, Tyson thought of ways to incorporate his passion for music and his love for fashion into his life. Too stubborn to let anything slip out of his hands, he decided to mark an X on attending the Fashion Institue of Technology in NYC. Tyson will continue to pursue music while studying fashion.
Now Tyson is on his way to completing his goals of being a fashion designer, influencer, musician and music producer.
Please support Tyson’s journey to Ghana as he works to deepen his knowledge of our history.